RESOURCES | spotlight videos

How to avoid salting during corrosion treatment of refinery crude unit distillation towers with OLI cloud based real-time monitoring applications.

Corrosion in crude unit distillation towers can cause major disruptions in unit reliability, safety and production targets. To control corrosion, neutralizing amines are injected at the top of the atmospheric distillation tower to avoid corrosion due to hydrochloric acid condensation. However, tight control has to be exercised over the right amine selected and dosage to ensure proper neutralization and to avoid salting points that can damage the asset. During this Spotlight Seminar, Ezequiel Vicent, Senior Application Engineer and Consulting Lead, will demonstrate how the OLI software can be utilized to create Integrity Operating Windows to provide operations with safe operating envelopes. In addition, Ezequiel will review OLI’s Overhead Corrosion Monitoring Tool powered by the OLI Cloud APIs, which can provide hour to hour updates to IOWs, track KPIs such as boot water pH, chemical expenditure and optimal wash water rates. 

Ezequiel Vicent

Director of Consulting